The McMahon family is one of the best pro wrestling promoters of all time. One member of the family is Stephanie McMahon, who is the daughter of Vince McMahon. It was recently rumored that Stephanie McMahon is planning to launch a podcast series, around Spring of 2025. The interesting part is it will become an official WWE podcast. There is no word yet on what her podcast will focus on, however, there are a few topics she will hopefully mention on it. After brainstorming, there are five main topics that she will hopefully talk about in that podcast.
5. Are The Rumors About Macho Man True?
Out of the bunch, this one is a long shot because it is a touchy subject. This has been a long-told rumor, but it’s the most shocking and persistent ever told. Heck, even the many former workers in WWE or Savage’s family can’t fully say whether it is true or not. Randy Savage left the company in 1993, and a big reason why, was allegedly because he had hooked up and slept with a young Stephanie McMahon. She would have been 18 years old at the time and Vince McMahon was furious when he found out. Not only did WWE part ways
with Savage, but he was never allowed to return to the company. Although he did film content for when the WWE All-Stars game was coming out in 2011.
If this is true, it doesn’t paint Macho Man in the best light. Honestly, it doesn’t paint Stephanie in a good light either. I would love clarification from Stephanie McMahon because she is the only one who can squash this rumor. As Macho Man’s brother Lanny said, One side is not talking (Stephanie) and the other side is dead (Randy Savage).
4. More Details Regarding Her First Years Working In Pro Wrestling
It’s always interesting to learn about the beginning of somebody’s career in any profession. Stephanie’s beginning in pro wrestling is interesting. She started working at the age of 13 when she was modeling merchandise for many catalogs in WWE. The most noticeable merchandise was when she wore Rockers gear. It’s fascinating and it would be interesting to hear more about her early journey working with WWE and her father.
3. What Was It Like Working With Andrew “Test” Martin
It’s been known for many years that Triple H and Stephanie are married in both kayfabe and in real life. Before the storyline began, Stephanie was in a kayfabe relationship with Andrew Martin, who wrestled under the name Test. It wasn’t a real relationship, but it was done via the story and it was clear that WWE was building him up as a potential main eventer. I would like to hear a few stories from Stephanie regarding her time working with him. Hopefully, she would even reveal what happened to his push and why there wasn’t a final ending to his story with Triple H.
2. The Legend Of Rod McMahon & His Canceled WWE Appearance In 2007
This is an interesting discussion, that many find interesting. Did you know that Vince McMahon had an older brother named Rodrick “Rod” McMahon? It is true that Vince’s brother was never a part of the wrestling business full-time, but there were times when he almost was. The most commonly known planned appearance was during the Vince McMahon death angle in 2007. The original plan for Vince after his limo exploded was for Raw to have a kayfabe funeral with Rod in attendance. Unfortunately, the Chris Benoit situation happened, and those plans immediately had to be canceled. Thus Rod’s planned appearance never came to be. Stephanie McMahon telling tales about her uncle Rod would be interesting and it would be cool to hear what he would have specifically done in 2007. Rod McMahon passed away in 2021 at the age of 77.
1. Her Relationship With Declan McMahon (Shane McMahon’s Son) And His Potential In Pro Wrestling
Declan McMahon is starting to get a ton of notoriety. Not only because he is a college football player at Indiana University, but because of speculation that he might pursue a professional wrestling career. After all, he is a McMahon, and it is in his blood to do professional wrestling, if he so chooses. It won’t be for AEW and TNA/Impact as he legit said the following about those companies, “I don’t watch that c***”.
I would like to know what Stephanie’s current relationship is with her nephew Declan. Any insights on whether he is going to pursue a career in pro wrestling would be great. The same can be said as well with her own children.
End Of My Stephanie McMahon Rant
Those are the five topics I hope Stephanie McMahon discusses in her new podcast. Do you agree? What do you expect Stephanie to discuss in this new podcast? Let me know in the comment section. Don’t forget to like the article and check out other WWE content on Stadium Rant.