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How Jim Brown Left A Great Impact That Will Inspire Many Generations To Come?

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

The legendary Cleveland Browns running back Jim Brown passed away Thursday afternoon at the age of 87, and the entire sports community is absolutely crushed.

Jim Brown Forever 🧡🤎♾️ Legend. Leader. Activist. Visionary. It’s impossible to describe the profound love and gratitude we feel for having the opportunity to be a small piece of Jim’s incredible life and legacy. We mourn his passing, but celebrate the indelible light he… — Cleveland Browns (@Browns) May 19, 2023

Brown was drafted in the first round of the 1957 draft to the Cleveland Browns out of Syracuse. Brown would go on to have a nine-year career and would be known as the greatest running back to ever play the game.

I could ramble on and tell you every stat he achieved but that is going to take a while, and everyone knows he was an absolute stud on the field.

Jim Brown Did A Ton Off The Field

Brown was just more than a football player and played a huge role in the civil rights movement.

Brown was one of the leaders of the Cleveland Summit that took place in June of 1967 when star boxer Muhammad Ali was stripped of his heavyweight title and was charged with draft dodging after he refused to fight in the Vietnam War.

Brown and other athletes like Bill Russell and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar came together to show their support for Ali.

This was a huge historical event because it featured a handful of African American athletes standing up for something outside of sports. Brown set an example that athletes still follow today by speaking up on issues that are wrong.

Brown was also an actor, he decided to retire from football at the young age of 30 and found himself on the big screen. He starred in movies like The Dirty Dozen and Any Given Sunday along with many more films.

Supporting Cleveland

Brown also represented the city of Cleveland every chance he had. The Browns have been a dumpster fire since they came back in 1999 and Jim Brown was always supporting the team. There was a point where you would go to a Browns game and people were wearing the number 32 Jim Brown jersey because that was the only player’s jersey you could buy because nobody on the team was worth buying because they would be cut or traded in a week.

If you grew up in Cleveland, you know who Jim Brown was. Everybody has a story about him whether it was watching him live in person or being told by someone who watched him and passing it down. You know you’re great when 90% of the people alive today never watched you play and still refer to you as the best.

Brown also would support the other Cleveland teams and he would check out playoff games for the Cleveland Indians and Cavs everyone remembers him sitting courtside for Game Three of the NBA Finals in 2015 and Lebron James bows to him right before the tip.

Brown also was a huge part in the 2016 Cavs title celebration. He was in the parade and was seen passing the trophy over to Lebron James. Brown was part of the 1964 Browns championship team which was the last title the city of Cleveland won before the Cavs won in 2016.

Jim Brown never got to see the Browns in a Super Bowl but one day the Browns will be there and hold the Vince Lombardi Trophy and Brown will be right by their side.


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