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Tom Brady Fueled One Of The Biggest Underdog Stories You Will Ever See

Tom Brady is known as one of the biggest underdogs in the history of the world, from being the sixth-round pick to winning seven Super Bowls and going down as the greatest quarterback of all time. 

Brady, known as the king of comebacks, sparked a significant comeback on a recent Thursday. This wasn't on the football field, but rather during a live stream event where he inspired a fellow sports enthusiast to overcome a challenging situation, showcasing his ability to inspire and motivate once again. 

Just as Brady had once lifted his head and led one of the greatest comebacks in Super Bowl history, he inspired Jerry to do the same in his challenge. Brady, the greatest quarterback of all time, shared a picture of his struggle during Super Bowl LI, a game he turned around spectacularly. This was the spark Jerry needed to keep going. 

We all know what happened next: Tom Brady fueled the most remarkable comeback we have ever seen in Super Bowl history and won his fifth ring. 

Brady's tweet was a game-changer for Jerry. Despite the odds, Jerry, inspired by Brady's comeback story, hit the hole-in-one. 

Jerry's hole-in-one challenge was the most significant thing on the internet on the past day, and it was enjoyable to watch the ups and downs on the live stream. It brought an entire country together, and the most incredible man to ever play in the NFL helped fuel his fire to get him to win the challenge. 

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