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Writer's pictureRenae Richardson

Tua Tagovailoa's Unbroken Stride: "To The Death..."

Tua Tagovailoa, the quarterback for the Miami Dolphins, has returned and is prepared to reclaim his role. Despite facing strong disapproval from a number of his fans, Tagovailoa remains determined to pursue his path and nothing will hinder his progress.

Tua Tagovailoa’s Controversial Decision

Several weeks ago, Tagovailoa suffered his third concussion. At the time, it was unclear if the battle-hardened player would return to the gridiron. The prevailing sentiment was that it would not likely happen. When the NFL announced that it would not intervene, leaving the verdict purely between the quarterback and his medical team, there was widespread shock.

Tagovailoa Meets The Press

Tua recently spoke to the press, answering a litany of questions about his condition and decision to play. The attentive player answered questions rapidly and succinctly, without skipping a beat. The recurrent sentiment underlying his responses was his refusal to sit out.

A Case Of Complexity

While it is concerning, no one understands their health better than the person enduring whatever condition they find themselves in. A person found to be sound of mind has every right to take responsibility and choose their fate. Tagovailoa has chosen his course for the future.

Stopping this formidable player is not an option. Therefore, the focus must shift to enhancing Tua's protection. It is essential to have a razor-sharp offensive line. Tua must be just as diligent about making smart plays, as he is about his determination to push forward. Part of this involves taking necessary precautions to protect himself. Full cooperation is non-negotiable for this strategy to succeed. A key concern discussed during the conference was his refusal to wear the Guardian cap.

Given the circumstances, this decision is undeniably shocking. His proclamation and rationale have led some to believe he is setting himself up for failure. However, there isn’t anything to be anxious about. CBS provided clarification, reporting that the quarterback will use a protective helmet.

He won't be without head protection despite a recent refusal to use the NFL's soft-shell Guardian Cap, with ESPN and NFL Media reporting Tagovailoa's VICIS helmet is the "safest" among standard options for quarterbacks."

Tagovailoa And His Haunting Passion

One might question Tua's state of mind. What could the player be thinking? The answer is straightforward: Tua’s mindset is in harmony with his heart. This sentiment is encapsulated in a striking statement he made when asked about concerns ahead and related feelings. He hauntingly remarked,

"I appreciate your concern," Tagovailoa added. "[But] I love this game, and I love it to the death of me."

That either indicates a high level of passion or a lack of clarity.

What’s Over The Horizon: Triumph Or Tragedy

The question arises: what impact does the team's collective understanding of his condition and attitude have? Will it increase anxiety and ambivalence in the ranks? Will the team rally, pressing on as normal? There are many factors to consider now that no one is deterring Tua.

Tagovailoa's Momentum

Image source: Freshlegs Diaz
Tua Tagovailoa

Wednesday signified his comeback to the field. CBS noted,

“He was eligible to meet with an independent neurological consultant. If the independent neurological consultant clears him, Tagovailoa can return to play. "

Current news indicates Tagovailoa has been cleared.

The only thing left to do is hope it's the right decision. Has this quarterback created a path to triumph or tragedy?

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